lundi 3 février 2014

what you do today is getting yo closer to where you want to be tomorrow .

Life is the seconds , the days and the events we go through , what will come to morrow is the the fruit of what we plant today by  what what we say , do and  think.
so remind your self about that , and ask your self if what you do is getting yo closer to where you want to be tomorrow .

make this quote image your desktop wallpaper  on a black back ground

it'all about ideas

my message for you now is that your ideas are the things that determine your destiny , it may be hard to see it from the beginning , but lets try to analyze the life of a two mans , one who is a good thinker the other is let's say a bad one.

when the good thinker and the bad thinker were in the same situation of being discouraged by a friend of them , the good thinker asked that friend and asked him self about the why should what you say be correct , the bad thinker took it as it was , and so by that he was really discouraged by what most probably  have been a false statement because only a simple point of view of a person and nothing more than that.

so what made the difference between the two was slimly this idea of questioning , of being self confident , of opening to the brain this possibility to ask questions and critically.
that is why i told you that our ideas are the only things that guides us thru life, so if you do well to manage your ideas , this will work for you and help you have better conditions and enjoy more good moments in life.
so my message now is : It's All About Ideas ,

I'm Positive ,I Feel OK

the best message for a great day is :I'm Positive ,I Feel OK
knowing that positivity is a good quality , just like optimism , and very help full ,
being positive means viewing the world from what you want it to be , concentrating on your goals , seeing what needs to be done at the NOW and thinking about the possible solutions.

Some times you will find it not that easy to do , but always think that this is a simple habit that you want to  develop ans you will develop .

some times you will find some difficulties unavoidable , but always know , that you are positive and that you only think about what you will do to solve the problem , this technique is very helpful and learnabl .

this is my message for this time
feel OK to download theme and make theme your wallpaper.